Deep Acting, gentle therapy

Biophysical therapy is a mainstay of the therapeutics used to restore patients to health. This unique form of therapy utilizes multiple natural physiotherapeutic methods with more than one hundred years of clinical evidence supporting them. This one treatment combines different agents together, which creates a synergistic biological and physical (biophysical) effect on the body. It enhances the natural action of the systems of the body and systematically restores function. Plus, there’s no need to worry because many of the natural physiotherapeutic agents we use are familiar to everyone. 


How It’s Done: To create specific and reproducible effects on the nerves, circulation systems, detoxification systems, hormones, and immune function, painless currents of biological electricity are combined with thermal packs. This enhances metabolic activity of the blood and directs that oxygenated blood to the desired areas of the body.


What It Does: As a result, a series of these treatments has shown to gently and predictably restore health to patients with a wide range of complex symptoms. Whether it’s an acute cold or flu or chronic fatigue, digestive issues, chronic pain, hormonal issues or another complex symptom, Dr. Coplin believes this Biophysical Therapy treatment can help you!

Biophysics is a branch of science that applies principles and methods of physics to study biological systems, processes, and phenomena. In the context of health, biophysics is used to study and understand various biological processes, such as the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, and the immune system. Biophysics is used to understand the physical and mechanical properties of cells and tissues, which is important for correctly selecting appropriate medical, physical, and nutritive treatments therapies.

Biophysical therapy is a type of physical therapy that uses various physical agents, such as heat, cold, light, sound, and electricity, to stimulate the mechanisms of healing and relieve pain. Biophysical therapy can also include targeted exercise, hydrotherapy, manual therapy, and other techniques that improve the overall function of the body.

The goal of biophysical therapy is to improve the body's natural healing processes and regulatory function by stimulating the tissues and cells through various physical agents.


Typical elements of biophysical therapy include:

Heat therapy: This involves the use of heat, such as through a warm compress or hot pack, to increase blood flow and relax muscles, which can relieve pain and promote healing.


Cold therapy: This involves the use of cold, such as through an ice pack, to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.


Electrical stimulation therapy: This involves the use of electrical currents to stimulate the nerves, organ systems, and muscles, which can help relieve pain, improve function, regain muscle strength, and promote healing.


Ultrasound therapy: This involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to promote tissue healing and reduce inflammation.


Light therapy: This involves the use of different wavelengths of light, such as infrared or laser light, to stimulate healing and reduce pain.


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